Sometimes or often, we adults are as curious as children; we are curious to find out new ways to vary, to make small changes, to diversify our lives, activities, habits, routine. We like being curious, as this is how we learn new things every day of our lives. We are dynamic, innately gifted with the desire to be active, to evolve. Our source of energy that propels our daily impulse of curiosity is the very first meal of every day. Especially new mothers, but not only, are encouraged by specialists to pay particular attention to all balanced meals during a normal day.
For us, it all starts with a sumptuous breakfast that gives us joy of living! Today we want to tell you about one of the recipes we have heard right at iELM, during a break, the acclaimed author of which being no one else but one of our colleagues.
We must admit that initially she did not tell us much, and we were not enticed by the reinvention of the pancake classic recipe combined with the fluffy American pancakes recipe. But the result has convinced us that it is a great alternative to kick off a new day. And even a quite healthy one!
The ingredients we need for pancakes are: 2 eggs, 250 grams whole wheat flour, 250 grams milk (coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, depending on your preference), a pinch of baking powder, cinnamon to your taste, vanilla to your taste. Beat the eggs well (the blender or kitchen robot may help, but they are not indispensable) and slowly add, instinctively, the other ingredients until you get a homogeneous milky liquid, neither too thin nor too thick. Adjustments are made on the spot depending on how you feel the dough. Using a small ladle, take dough from the bowl and pour it in a normal-sized pan (directly into the pan, do not use oil at all). The method of pouring the dough is important for the shape of the pancakes: it is recommended to not move the ladle and the flow line should be focused on a central axis. We then appeal to a cooking turner/spatula as flat as possible to turn the pancakes on either side until the desired browning note is obtained. The size of a pancake is about the size of your palm.
Finishing the pancakes can be the boundless fantasy of every gourmet. We have served them with chopped nuts, agave syrup and red grapes, or classically with organic peanut butter. For children, we prefer more the organic butter alternative (or ghee, the clarified butter of India), and covered with unsweetened jam, the mix of honey, banana and uncooked nuts, or the mix of fresh berries, organic cocoa powder and fresh yogurt. We are certain you’ll find the most delicious option for you!
Don’t forget to smile! You have just started a wonderful day, feeding your body with a tasty, easy to prepare food, which was not fried, which is based on a type of flour with a prolonged duration of digestion having a positive effect on the stomach, not containing added sugar – a real organic source of protein and energy.