Follow the footprints of a noble Hungarian-Indian family in Transylvania

Hello, September, we’ve been expecting you to paint our autumn with your incredible colour palette! Quick, grab your backpack, there is no time to explain! We are heading towards Zabola Estate, Mikes Castle, in the heart of breathtaking and already notorious Transylvania and we are looking not for Dracula, but for relaxation, somewhere close to the middle of...

Lost in daydreaming

Each weekend is looked forward to with anticipation worldwide. Whether we want to rest or conduct fun activities, the weekend days give us the opportunity to disconnect and recreate. The human mind is dynamic, and a little rest to relax it is welcomed. Our diversity makes us to be inclined towards various fields, some artistic, some technological, and...

A land of tradition and customs

Autumn – when God decided to paint the leaves of trees in gold and copper colours to delight both soul and eyes, and the sunsets in violent violet combined with intense orange and burned pink timidly coming upon the earthlings every evening. The autumn’s delight is not only visual, but also sensorial, especially felt by our taste buds....

We and Nature

Your first encounter with Nature. The first encounter of your children with Nature. Do you remember them? How would you describe them? What were your feelings in those moments? Which of Nature’s forms impressed you the most? Nature surrounds us, embraces us with her warm arms, and pleasantly envelops us wherever we are. It gives us the chance...

Little explorers of a big world

The playfulness of your healthy child. The happy eyes of cheerful your child. Your child’s smile. The only things that really matter for any parent. Being a parent is not easy at all, but the reward is so great that any effort seems insignificant. iELM was born from the great love of parents for their sons and daughters....

Family ties

We come into this world all alone, but we are surrounded by people who give us unconditional love from the very first suave musical tunes of life. We feel this immense love because, through it, we grow, we nurture spiritually, our emotions intensify, our mind expands, and we become unique beings through love. Often when we come into...

Good morning, ma’am chia pudding!

Dawn is waking us up slowly and gradually, mildly bringing us back fom the land of reverie to a very real and beautiful morning. With heavy eyelids and still dreaming, we are moving slowly towards the kitchen. Coffee lovers can feel already the inviting aroma of freshly ground coffee, tea lovers enjoy every moment of expectation of a...

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